Chrome Remote Desktop Host Offline
Say I was using Chrome Remote Desktop and remotely killed the host process on accident, causing me to get kicked off. However I still have SSH/terminal/command-line access. How can I relaunch the service so I can connect again?
Also, is it possible to install or reinstall Chrome Remote Desktop via SSH?
Chrome Remote Desktop Sharing feature in Ubuntu. Version 1.0 Author: Srijan Kishore Last edited: 11/July/2014. In this tutorial I will introduce you with the Chrome remote Desktop sharing feature. This is an alternate as similar to team-viewer type property for sharing the screen with remote clients.
2 Answers
Restarting the service
Linux: The host process is a normal Linux service, so you can restart it by typing this in your SSH session:
You should only have to wait a few seconds before it's ready for you to try connecting.
Windows, run these commands to restart the service (thanks @JohnLock):
Reinstalling the service
(I don't know how to install/reinstall Chrome Remote Desktop via SSH. Someone please update this answer if you know how.)