D Drive Vs C Drive
The function of the D drive can vary from computer to computer. Drive letters are not always assigned by function. More often that not though, a D drive is an optical drive.
The function of the D drive can vary from computer to computer. Drive letters are not always assigned by function. More often that not though, a D drive is an optical drive. A, B, and C Drives. In almost all modern-day operating systems, the A drive and B drive are assigned to floppy drives, which are no longer widely used. The first drive.
A, B, and C Drives
In almost all modern-day operating systems, the A drive and B drive are assigned to floppy drives, which are no longer widely used. The first drive letter used on most home systems today is the C drive.
C Drive Function
The C drive is assigned to the first active primary hard drive partition recognized by the system. This is usually the physical hard disk that is located inside the computer. The C drive is the drive that has the computer's boot sector, operating system and other vital information.
D Drive Function
The D drive is the first drive after the primary hard drive. This is usually a disc drive, such as a DVD or CD drive. However, if a computer has more than one internal hard drive, or a single hard drive is partitioned, then one of those drives takes the D letter assignment.
Video of the Day
D Drive Vs C Drive Software
D Drive Vs C Drive Windows 10
- cd drive image by Paul Moore from Fotolia.com
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What exactly is the difference between these two drives? Am I correct in understanding that the D drive is only for backup purposes?
The C: drive seems to be the default location for files to be saved, and I find it odd that the capacity is only 118GB in comparison to the empty D: drive that has a capacity of 931GB.
I've briefly read about partitioning, but what's the difference in just storing things in D: and executing there vs partitioning extra space to C: and executing files normally?
edit: Disk Management ss http://i.imgur.com/VWfRHV2.png, Computer: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883227596